Collectables for the Player
How to create a Collectable System in Unity

In this article we will make the placeholder collectables actually collectable.
Setup Steps
We created 3 scripts. For the player, for the collectables and a UI Manager.

Create a UI Text game object
Attach the UI Manager script to the canvas
Attach the Collectable script to all collectables (use prefabs)
Make sure the collectables have a rigidbody and isTrigger is checked on the collider
Pseudocode — Collectable System Scripts
We will use all 3 scripts. The player script will hold the amount of collectables collected. The collectable script will check for collisions and if it is hit by the player it will tell the player script to increase the score. The player script will then tell the UI Manger to update the displayed number.
Collectable Script
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.tag == "Player")
Player Script
Handle to our UI Manager script assigned through the Inspector.
[SerializeField] private UIManager _uIManager;
Variable declared at the top to hold our score.
private int _collectables;
Our public method that is called from our Collectable script.
public void Collectable()
UI Manager Script
Don’t forget at the top, because we need to use the UI library of the Unity engine.
using UnityEngine.UI;[SerializeField] private Text _collectableText;
public void UpdateCollectableText(int collectableCount)
_collectableText.text = "Balls: " + collectableCount;